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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
24-25 KGMS - School Nurse07/25/2024CertifiedKing George Middle SchoolApply
24-25 SES - School Nurse07/25/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 SES - Assistant Principal07/25/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 Clinic Assistant07/23/2024ClassifiedTo Be DeterminedApply
24-25 SES Cafeteria Worker (6 hr)07/23/2024ClassifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 KGES - Special Education Teacher07/16/2024CertifiedKing George Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 SES - Health and PE Teacher07/16/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
Substitute Bus Monitor07/15/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
Bus Monitor07/15/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
Substitute Bus Driver07/14/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
Bus Driver (Part-time)07/14/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
Bus Driver (Full-Time)07/14/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
24-25 Preschool Early Childhood Special Education Teacher07/11/2024CertifiedKing George Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 SES - Special Ed Paraprofessional07/10/2024ClassifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 KGHS - Special Education Teacher (Gen Curr)07/01/2024CertifiedKing George High SchoolApply
24-25 KGHS - CTE Teacher (Business)06/26/2024CertifiedKing George High SchoolApply
24-25 KGES - 5th Grade Teacher06/25/2024CertifiedKing George Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 KGMS - English Teacher06/24/2024CertifiedKing George Middle SchoolApply
Substitute Custodian06/06/2024SubstituteTo Be DeterminedApply
Substitute Teacher/Substitute Paraprofessional06/06/2024SubstituteSchool Board OfficeApply
Attention Potential Teachers!!! Are you interested in becoming a teacher?06/06/2024CertifiedTo Be DeterminedApply
24-25 SES - 5th Grade Teacher06/06/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 SES - 4th Grade Teacher06/06/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 KGMS - Health and PE Teacher06/05/2024CertifiedKing George Middle SchoolApply
KGHS - Assistant Golf Coach06/05/2024CoachingKing George High SchoolApply
KGHS - Assistant Field Hockey Coach06/05/2024CoachingKing George High SchoolApply
24-25 KGMS - Special Education Teachers (multiple positions)06/04/2024CertifiedKing George Middle SchoolApply
24-25 SES - 3rd Grade Teacher05/21/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
KGMS - Girls Basketball Head Coach05/16/2024CoachingKing George Middle SchoolApply
24-25 KGES - 4th Grade Teacher (2 positions)05/14/2024CertifiedKing George Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 Paraprofessional (Special Ed)05/14/2024ClassifiedKing George Middle SchoolApply
24-25 Paraprofessional (Special Ed)-2 positions05/14/2024ClassifiedKing George High SchoolApply
Homebound Teachers Needed03/18/2024CertifiedTo Be DeterminedApply
24-25 SES - Elementary School Counselor02/11/2024CertifiedSealston Elementary SchoolApply
24-25 Elementary Teacher Applicant Pool02/11/2024CertifiedTo Be DeterminedApply
24-25 KGHS - Special Education Teacher (ID)02/11/2024CertifiedKing George High SchoolApply
24-25 KGHS - School Counselor02/11/2024CertifiedKing George High SchoolApply
KGMS - General Coaching Application01/25/2024CoachingKing George Middle SchoolApply
24-25 KGMS - Special Education Teacher08/04/2023CertifiedKing George Middle SchoolApply
Substitute School Nurse01/06/2023ClassifiedTo Be DeterminedApply
Substitute Cafeteria Worker01/04/2023ClassifiedSchool Board OfficeApply